Sunday 6 January 2013


What are we?

When we are in NOW, we can laugh like this! Got this photo from the page of : Sarah Denise, facebook
Happy birthday to dear Sarah, 
Thanks for such a beautiful photo that brought me to the experiences and feelings of my younger laughs!
I always thought that the most precious gift for me again will be laughing,
Laughing until I cry,
Until I have pain in my face and stomach muscles,
Until I should decide about keep laughing or breathing...
But, finding it so difficult to choose,
because, I cannot stop laughing,
 And, I have to pray for
Stop laughing 
 I still wanted to breath,
 To be able to laugh again!


We saw the movie 'Les Misérables' last night with Bahram. I found it very interesting! In term of its musical side and all other aspects.
The human has not been changed and its needs neither...
It depends where you are located:
1.  The person in power
2. The victime
3. The observer
4. All at the same time?

I highly recomand this film and here what I share with you after watching this movie:

All the human world is based on its needs (the simplest to understand because all animals and livings have also needs to survive).
The personal need or survival comes first to be satisfied,
The family need comes after,
The group need comes when the others are satisfied.

1. The personal need can be satisfied either by the person who has the ability to achieve it, or is unable to do it becomes of being unable to do it and so, will be depending to the others...
2. One goes further and should take care of the other members of the family because of her/his ability or because of the role that the society is giving to her/him ...
3. One goes further because of her/his ability of leading, sens of responsibility, trust of others, acting by wisdom or...

In simpler societies, the food is the first need but then other aspects like need for shelter, jobs, social ranks...and freedom create more complexities and so, involves thoughts patterns, mind, emotions... !

As a human being I have also been going through the process of life and I find myself as one of the luckies ones because I had been able to see the world of outside with an eye and the world of inside with another eye, living while observing...
Watching this film I realized that the human being is still suffering today and not only the suffering of yesterday are present in lots of countries but there are more complex sufferings results of blind technology progresses!
There are still homeless people, there are still slaves, there are still manipulators, there are still those who believe in doing their jobs wonderfully while they are following the patterns of insane fashions...there is still injustice, there is still war, the difference is that it is more through technology and pshycology so takes time to understand!And, hopefully, there are still writers, film-makers, there are still wise people who help others to see the harmful patterns...

I thought before that when you become the manager of a business, we can run a business by your own and it involved lots of everything...but, now I know that you actually depend on the existing patterns, every body has to follow these complicated patterns which are the continuation of the old belief systems had made before only to let getting power!
The technology is here but what have we got from today? 

I agree with my son who sometimes says,'In 50 years, we will not have to be worried about these!'. I also believe that we had been going through a very confusing period of time. People have still patterns of superstitions (such as you need to have lots of money to be wealthy and to do so, you need to learn the techniques of manipulation which is the most successful destructive existing pattern practiced under the name of marketing, brain washing, behavior programming... so, slavery through pleasure!). We need to be wealthy but not only in money (arts of human cultures are human treasures which have survived through long period of time), we need to change these mental patterns which are destroying the world and stops the humanity to go further.

The pattern addicts are those who do not see and do not feel LIFE and do not know where the HUMANITY is located right now, they are connected to the past and depend on patterns to function.
Humanity is a process of being...the past had been there to help us for be in present and now is here to help the future...why the human being should be still allowed to be tied to the injustices and destructive patterns of the past and still be allowed to use of follow them in Democracy?

The power is given to or taken by some people who are unfortunately   lost in these patterns which leads them in their thoughts and acts.

Human being at this period of process should be able to offer new patterns (which will not block the humanity in the future) which will advance the humanity further!

My dear young ones whom I believe have always had the passion of knowing about history of humanity to understand about the process that humanity is going through... and where we are located today! You and  many other wonderful people like you who do not believe in power of destructive money and so have the awareness, I understand you not willing to be a part of those who are blindly active in advancing its structured destructive patterns!!!

This is for why some of our young people who were lucky enough for not being brainwashed by their parents and did not have to follow most of these patterns are on stand by, not willing to give their energy to what would be not be helping the humanity and the environment but also is destructive!

Human is destroying the agriculture, the atmosphere, lots of lives..., why?
FEAR! Fear of what? To die?  Do we choose today not to die? NO! Because, last night watching the film, I said to myself again, all is a gift today and even one second later I did not know if I would be living and when it happens it happens (as it happened to many other people who had not chosen it!) and I would not have the privilege of being me here in this world. So, after the film, I was aware that I am still here and I am one of the luckiest ones who knows the secret. I should just learn how to be a LIVING and see other LIVINGS. Understand that the death is present and I am privileged. The others and me will go through it!
What makes me superior to the others? It is the amount of luck I have had to be me with what I have. My best treasure is the awareness to feel I am living and others are livings, see the wonderful from the smallest to the largest!!! To respect them, honnor them, all of these for my eyes, my noise, my ears, my mind, senses...
How can we be so unaware, blind, deaf... miss these and even destroy them!?!

I felt happy that I had always knew about this process and I had always been in the society but I had never forgot that I am a human being like any other human being, a being like any other beings...I take my responsibilities decidethrough my wisdom and my level of knowledge by asking this question: Am I helping the process of LIFE to go further or I am harming!?!

I am conscious that I am lucky to be in a society where I can use my wisdom, and talk about wisdom. I am proud and happy that I had always known that Arts bring us to the present using the useful techniques of the past, denying the harmful patterns. An artist wants to go further, looking for her/his own style and uses the techniques as tools to express the humanity. I am happy that I can anytime find myself in NOW whenever I am with an artist or I am an artist!

Creative aware mind is a free mind, a human being with a creative aware mind is a free person. If the society wants to advance, needs to help the creative aware minds to advance culture. Attention, all the creative minds cannot be trusted because some people might have creative sick mind. 

The societies need to detect the mental sicknesses. The destructive minds can also be creative and unfortunately become models and references for those who are like them and are out of realities of Life. 

Human being has to go through challenges to go further (the Evolution had started millions years ago) but should be able to watch the past, bring her/his good judgments to learn about her/his mistakes and experiences, so, not to repeat the same destructive patterns and developed societies should clearly announce them.
The problem with destructive patterns is that it takes time to get rid of them and replace them with the appropriate ones.
Do we really have enough time, tools and the occasion to repair the harms to Nature and Humanity?

The physical harms can been seen but the mental harms cannot be seen easily and manifest like time by time in some crises picks (what we see in the world like shooting in schools, running a country toward destruction environmentally, culturally or economically...).

What about reviewing all of these? Human being had never had so many universities, researchers, intelligants, technologies of information ...medications and hospitals...), why then, the world is in such a big mess?

It is all about AWARENESS! I am sure that if the human being was aware of all the patterns that influence her/him to be the 'person who she/he is not', will be scared (even the richest and the most powerful ones) because when we are not ourselves and are slaves of the patterns, we are worst than the slaves because the slaves know that the freedom is somewhere outside and they are dreaming to have it, but the one who is slave or prisoner of the past harmful patterns, is 'a non living person' who is not only stopping the humanity to advance and but also becomes a model for the more 'non living' ones who will also create more prisons, prisoners and slaves !

It is important to know that what each culture has made through arts & sciences should be honored and stay the most important references for the Evolution of humanity (what makes it so beautiful and colorful, inspiring and powerful...)...

I believe that the year of 2013 is the year of AWARNESS about 'where each one of us are' and so, being the livings and recycling the past destructive patterns. And the societies offer the AWARNESS to its people, distinguishing the destructive projects and behaviors (those who act under the name of freedom to manipulate and pollute the mind of our younger generations- for their own purpose of becoming richer in money and deciders...), from the creative aware minds and encourage each Human being to choose an art to express her/his authenticity. 

And, the results should be amazing because the coming generations are amazing, they love laughing and laughing is contageous...!!!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this passionate blog post. I particularly agree with the importance of awareness and how this connects you more strongly to your sense of humanity. Also what a lovely picture to put alongside!


Shahrzad est enchantée de votre visite et vous invite à partager votre art de sagesse,...

Bonjour aux Artistes et Artisans de la vie!!! C'est un grand plaisir de partager avec vous ma passion de vivre l'équilibre en harmonie avec la liberté grâce à la comprehension de ma place et la place de l'autrui dans cette univers...
Alros, je vous remercie pour être vous, pour votre générosité et l'ouverture, joignons à cette foire aux merveilles avec nos oeurves crées par la Passion et Tendresse pour la VIE...

Manoir Ville Marie, ce Cocoon de Paix pour beaucoup de clients réguliers qui y offrent leurs présences authentiques!!! Alors, dormir au Manoir Ville Marie est une expérience à la fois paisible et intéressante.

Participez au tirage d'un Certificat de Cadeau d'une nuit pour deux au Manoir Ville Marie':

Tous les deux mois, il vas avoir un tirage (le premier étant le pre,mier septembre 2011) et le nom du gagnant serait annoncé. sur ce weblog

*Racontez-moi un poème, une petite histoire de sagesse de maximum 500 mots, ou une photo, une peinture...

Je remerci mon très cher fils, Sépandat Stéphane (qui a le regardl très profond sur l'univers et ses êtres) pour m'avoir encourager (plutôt forcé) de faire ce blog en rapport avec mes amis Manoir Ville Marie.

Je remerci mon très cher fils, Maziar Marc (qui a le regard minutieux sur ll'univers et ses êtres) pour m'a aidé (plutôt forcer) d'avoir le courage d'apprendre comment faire ce weblog, toujours disponible pour sa mère, Maziar est un excellent guide et proffesseur.

Enfin, je remerci mon cher mari et compagnon de vie, Bahram Bernard pour m'encourage d'essayer de faire court et simple!!!

A cette étape de ma vie, je crois que la fiérté de l'être humain est dans sa Compréhension de l' cette Compréhension nous guide vers la Conscience qui se manifeste souvent par les Arts, La Créativiyé ou nos Actions. Où La Paix est présente, elle y est présente également.

. Les textes et photos publiés sur ce blog sont mes propres créations et comme tous les arts peuvent être naîfs maintenant et plus mature plutard!!! Vous allez avoir une part précieux dans mon évolution artistique par vos commentaires.

. Je jongle entre trois langues, alors, pardonnez mes erreurs et si vous souhaitez apporter des corrections, j'en serais ravie (envoyez-moi vos corrections et je les appliquerez) et je vous en serrais très reconnaissante.

... Au fur et à mesure que vous allez me connaitre à travers mon regard sur la VIE, l'univers et le monde..

Je vous aime et j'ai hâte de vous décourvir par votre ART...


About Me

J'ai toujours été ravie de mon prénom Shahrzad شهرزاد qui avait été choisi par ma chère mére, un être exceptionnel que j'appelle madar en persan. Quand j'ai appris que Shahrzad voulait dire:'Caractère Libre', j'ai sourri...quand j'ai lu l'histoire de Shahrzad, j'ai encore, quand j'ai appris que Shahrzad était dans la Perse antique la déesse de l'apprentissage (ou quelque chose similaire,à confirmer), j'ai me suis demandée comment ma mère savait que ce prénom allait tellement bien à sa fille Shahrzad!